Looking for ways to integrate LGBTQ into your classroom? The BCTF supplies some great lesson plans for this! http://www.bctf.ca/SocialJustice.aspx?id=21521&libID=21511
Category: Social Justice
Interesting articles on both local and global issues that teachers should be aware of.
Gender Creative Kids: http://gendercreativekids.ca PFLAG Canada ( parents families and friends of lesbians and gays ): http://www.pflagcanada.ca/en/index.html Pride Education Network: http://pridenet.ca Egale Canada: http://egale.ca Smart Sex Resource: http://smartsexresource.com We could add something like: LGBTQ Workshops The BCTF offers a Read More …
BC Child Poverty Report
Check out http://still1in5.ca for information about the 2015 BC Child Poverty Report.
CCPA Newletter
Here is the latest Newsletter from CCPA. Topics include: Climate Justice in BC The LNG tax regime UBC Faculty Call for Fossil Fuel Divestment
Newsletter for Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives
Check out the latest newsletter here. Interesting topics include Canadian Living Wage, Climate Change and BC’s ‘Affordability Excuse’.
Check out the latest Social Justice Newsletter.
Here is the latest Social Justice Newsletter from the BCTF. http://bctf.ca/uploadedFiles/Public/SocialJustice/Publications/SJ-Newsletter/SJ-NewsletterMar2014.pdf