Elementary Prep Time
Article D.4 Preparation Time
- Each full time elementary teacher’s weekly instructional hours, exclusive of noon intermission, shall not exceed twenty-five (25) hours.
- Each full-time elementary teacher shall receive 110 minutes of preparation time per week scheduled in accordance with the Previous Collective Agreement.
Middle School Prep Time
Article D.4 Prep Time
- Middle School Prep Time includes 100 minutes of prep time and 50 minutes of common Team Planning.
Secondary Prep Time
Article D.23 Hours of Work
- Each full-time secondary teacher’s weekly instructional hours, exclusive of regular noon intermissions, shall not exceed twenty-seven and one-half (27 1/2) hours inclusive of
- twelve and one-half percent (12.5%) preparation time (one block in every eight)
Part Time Teachers
Teachers who work less than 1.0 FTE are responsible to make sure they are working the correct number of days and attending the correct number of professional development days. (e.g. a teacher in a .8 position, is expected to work .8 of the days in session AND attend .8 of the pro-d days, regardless of if the pro-d is on your regularly scheduled day of work or not)
A part time teacher calculator sheet is available to work through how many days you may owe (or be owed) to/by your school or teaching partner. For help with the form, contact the NOSTA office.
Other Preparation Time Information:
Article D.20 Regular Work Year
- A work year shall include no less than 5 professional development days and no fewer than 1 year-end administrative day.
- The school year starts on the Tuesday after labour day and ends on the last Friday of June.
Article D.28 Duration of School Day
- Elementary: No more than 5.5 hours/day and 25 hours/week
- Middle: No more than 26.8 hours/week
- High School: No more than 6 hours/day and no more than 27.5 hours/week
Staff Meetings
Article D.23
- Staff meetings require 7 days notice, are scheduled monthly and agendas items can be submitted by any member of staff.
- Teachers are not required to attend the portion of staff meetings that start more than an hour before their school day, or conclude later than 90 minutes after dismissal.
If you have any questions regarding prep time please contact the NOSTA Office.