Below please find copies of forms needed by many NOSTA members.
If you need help completing any of these forms contact the NOSTA office.
Health and Dental Forms:
You can also submit online at
(The 6A form is created and recognized by Worksafe, SD83 also has a Employee Incident Investigation Form that acts in the same manner)
Part Time Teacher Forms:
- Part time teacher calculations_Calendar & Summary
Save a copy of this form if you are not a 1.0 FTE. A part time position in SD83 is based on the number of instructional and non-instructional days worked, not strictly the days of the week. (i.e. a 0.2 FTE might work every Tuesday and share the class with another teacher working 0.8 FTE. The part time teacher calculation worksheet helps determine a fair split of days between the two teachers). If you have any questions or need help filling it out, please contact the NOSTA office ([email protected]) for support.
- NOSTA Travel Expense Voucher – Used for NOSTA Business related Expenses
- Pro-D Expense Claim Form-Materials Purchased-R4 – Used for MATERIALS
- PRO-D Travel Claim Form – This is a four part form used for all Pro-D travel related expenses. Please get a copy from your Site Pro-D rep or stop by the NOSTA office.
- Remedy Consumables Claim Form (23/24 School year only)
- Mileage Expense Form – Used for NOSTA Mileage Reimbusements
- TTOC Timesheet (Used for Pro-D Days)
Framework for Teacher Resources:
Pro-D Forms
- Pro-D Self Directed Form
- Pro-D Expense Claim Form-Materials Purchased – NO TRAVEL
- PRO-D Travel Claim Form – This is a four part form used for all Pro-D travel related expenses. Please get a form from your Site Pro-D rep or stop by the NOSTA office.
Salary Indemnity Plan (Short Term Medical)
When applying for SIP, teachers are required to have their Doctor fill out both the BCTF medical form and the SD83 medical form (Choose the correct form below based on partial or full leave). once completed, the SD83 form ONLY is submitted to SD83 HR.