Here is a link to the politics section of The Tyee. This online media organization crowd sourced to fund independent investigative reporting of issues in BC leading up to the election. Check out the education section too!
Christy Clark : Game Over? A Video by BCFED
Check out the ad by BC Federation of Labour. Their site, is also a great resource for BC election information.
Are you registered to vote?
Have you checked to see if you are registered at the correct address? Check out Elections BC to see if you are and get more info about the BC Election.
Two informational videos about the Provincial NDP Candidate
EXCLUSIVE: Who is John Horgan? Meet the man who wants to be B.C.’s next premier John Horgan NDP Video about his upbringing and background
Another article on the VSB report on bullying.
An article about the VSB bullying report
An analysis on the VSB Report
An analysis of what the Goldner report means to BC education.
Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives – Donations to BC parties
A newsletter from the CCPA on why Fossil Fuel takes center stage in BC. The role of big money and corporate lobbying in BC politics has become a major issue as we head into the May provincial election. In the Read More …
“It’s time to stop funding private schools” – Patti Bacchus
An article by Patti Bacchus on ending Private School funding.
How Poverty Affects our Classrooms
A great article on Poverty and it’s affects on our students AND teachers.
Seeds of Social Justice Newsletter
Here is the monthly copy of the BCTF Seeds of Social Justice March newsletter. Enjoy.