AGM – May 14

Be sure to mark May 14 on your calendar as an important meeting. NOSTA elections are happening, have your say in the future of YOUR union (or maybe let your name stand for a position). Additional discussions include fee increase, building purchase and release time for 1st VP.

North Okanagan-Shuswap

Teachers’ Association


 Date:  Monday, May 14, 2018

Time:  4:15 p.m.

Location: First United Church, Salmon Arm

450 Okanagan Ave. E.
There is plenty of parking in the church parking lot, as well as on the street.

Agenda Items to Include:

1. Election of 2018-2019 Executive

2. 2018-2019 NOSTA Budget Presentation

3. Motion that the following motions be voted on in seriatim and that the GM recommends to the AGM that:

a. That there would be a fee increase for 2018/2019 to .8 for contract teachers.

b. To give NOSTA Executive permission to purchase new office space within the approved budget.

c. To release up to an additional .4 FTE of an Executive Officer(s) beginning 2018-2019.

4. 2018-2019 NOSTA Budget Approval

5. Pro-D

If you are interested in any positions on the Executive Committee please contact

Deb Daniell at the NOSTA office at

250-832-1933 or em: [email protected]

Door Prize Draw

Looking forward to seeing you there!