It was a busy AGM with lots of discussion.

During last nights’ AGM we voted in the Executive for next year.
The Executive for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year is:
President: Christina McDermott
1st Vice President: George Richard (JLJ)
2nd Vice President: Norma-Jean Gomme
Secretary: Brittany Hall
Treasurer: Amanda Bowlby (Carlin)
Local Reps: Doug Brown (PVSS), Jessa Clark, Graham Gomme (SUL)
Pro-D Chair: Kyla Hadden (ERS)
TTOC/New Teacher Chair: Noah Ralston (Silver Creek Elementary)
Bargaining Chair: Graham Gomme (SUL)
Communications: Jessa Clark
Health and Safety: Carole Berube
Aboriginal Education: Meredith Rusk (Salmon Arm West)
Member Involvement: VACANT
Social Justice: Heather McDonald (Teen House)
Members at Large: Jen Kelly (District Education Support Center), Christina Tomkins (PVSS)
Local Election Contact: Norma Jean Gomme
Immediate Past President: Brenda O’Dell
Congrats to all members, both new and ‘experienced’.
The AGM also voted to increase an additional officer release time to .3 (currently not released) and to allow NOSTA to purchase office space, rather than renting our current office. These votes did create a need to increase member dues from .7% to .8% for contract teachers, which will result in anywhere from a $5-$10 increase in NOSTA dues per month.
Exciting times for the future!